Women's Activism NYC

Jeannetta- Anne M Marco

1990 - Today

Date Added:

She has over come so much in her life. Never giving up since the Day she was born at Jacobi hospital in the Bronx. Against the odds she has been a community organizer for helping families and people with disabilities. Despite having her own multiple Disabilities that she has been dealing with since day 1of life. With her family support she learned that you can accomplish anything if you focus and work hard. In between multiple surgeries she was able to donate her time in high school and college to help with special needs programs. Bringing awareness to the need for blood donations due to bleeding disorders. Raising money for programs to donate toys to children. After graduating and heading to Flagler college in Saint Augustine, Florida she became involved with the school of Deaf & blind volunteering. Helping advocate different programs in the saint Augustine area upon graduation she has funded donations towards scholarships at the college. Continued her work always helping her community through food Drives or making sure families that have children had shoes and clothes with of course some Toys for Christmas gifts of course some had to have educational merit in her eyes learning was very important stable in her life, her mother was able to encourage her to get a few toys as well each child always received everything they asked for and more. It made Jeannetta-Anne extremely happy to be able to get each child what they truly wanted and the extra things the families needed.

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