1925 - 1995
By: Caren Hinckley | Date Added:
Decades before YouTube, young and old sat before their television screens, hanging on every word, and chord, of Laura Weber, their brilliant TV folk guitar instructor. Laura was a native New Yorker who went on to study music at Oberlin Conservatory. She was a private teacher in San Francisco and on the music faculty of San Francisco State University. Later, Laura produced and starred in two public television shows, A Time for Music which aired for six years and Folk Guitar with Laura Weber, which was carried by 52 stations across the country. She was very attentive to the needs of her TV students, thoroughly demonstrating step by step the plucking and strumming patterns needed for popular folk songs. My mother and I, two of her devoted TV students, were among thousands who were grateful to Laura Weber for being their mentor. Every time I pick up my guitar, I think of Laura.
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