1904 - 1978
Caren Hinckley
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Charity Bailey was a music education pioneer, someone who truly made me fall in love with folk music. Born in Providence, Rhode Island, Charity attended Rhode Island College of Education and the Julliard School. She settled in New York City and became the music director at the Little Red Schoolhouse in Greenwich Village. She wrote songbooks arranged for piano and guitar, sang on recordings and later hosted local television shows for children on WNBC and Channel 13 before it was known as WNET. In the 1960's, children like myself tuned in to hear Charity's lovely, warm voice singing folk tunes, and tapping rhythmic beats from all around the globe. Her program became required viewing for students at Teacher's College. Bank Street College of Education used her lesson plans as a model for their music education program. I ascribe Charity as an early influence in my musical life. I'm certain a generation of teachers were inspired by this very gifted educator and musician.
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