Women's Activism NYC

Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas

1943 - 2003

By: Aleisann Wolliaston | Date Added:

Nicholas Harolyn was born in California (Los Angeles), on the second day of September 1943 to a popular actress and a superstar professional dancer. She was born brain-damaged and dealt with cerebral anoxia, which influenced her cognitive capacities and various other features. Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas was unable to talk till she was four years old, and she had not been able to connect or identify individuals, not also her parents. Her mom criticized herself for Harolyn’s problem since she postponed giving birth to enable Harold to get to the medical facility in time for the distribution. Nevertheless, it is found later that the condition was an outcome of the surgical tools used for birth; it cut off the supply of oxygen to a part of her brain.

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