Women's Activism NYC

Gale Yee

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Gale Yee was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 9, 1949. She attended the Academy of Our Lady (Catholic) high school graduating in 1967. She received a BA in 1971 from the Loyola University of Chicago, a Jesuit college, and continued at that University receiving her MA in 1974. Yee studied for the Ph.D. in Theology at the University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto, and received her degree in 1985 after completing her dissertation, Composition, and Tradition in the Book of Hosea. While at St Michael’s she was an instructor for the Introduction to Old Testament course. As Professor of Hebrew Bible, Gale Yee taught at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, and was Director of Women’s Studies therefrom 1984 -1998. Starting in 1998 she joined the faculty of Episcopal Divinity School (EDS) in Cambridge, Massachusetts as the EDS Director of Studies in Feminist Liberation Theologies. She holds the position of Nancy W. King Professor of Biblical Studies. Active in the Society of Biblical Literature she has been general editor of its Semeia Studies and is currently editor of the Texts@Contexts series for Fortress Press. During the academic year 2002-2003, she was a Visiting Scholar at Chung Chi College at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Gale Yee specializes in the Hebrew Bible, biblical methodologies and approaches, cultural criticism of the bible, feminist interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, and Women’s Studies. She was awarded the Krister Stendhal Medal in Biblical Studies in May 2015 by the Graduate Theological Foundation in Mishawaka, IN.

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