Women's Activism NYC

Eileen Kuttab

1959 - Today

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Eileen Kuttab was born in Jerusalem to a Palestinian Orthodox Christian family. She earned her Sociology masters from Northeastern University. Most international students choose to stay in a richer and more peaceful country, but she chose to return to Palestine to help her people. She first started as a social worker and moved into academia to create bigger changes. She is the director of the Women's Institute at Beirut University and a sociology professor as well. She has published many books and articles about gender equality in the Middle East. At one point, she wonders how much shock can a family absorb during the conflict. Especially since the biggest casualties of this war has been the women and their children. She also stresses that the pursuit of independence is important for Palestine but not less important than women's rights in Palestine. They are both struggles against oppression. She also brings to light that the politicians always focus on fighting the occupation, and not women's rights. I've been reading a lot of her articles and theses based on her literature lately to learn as much as I can about her. I'm so impressed. The sacrifices of women can apply to other nations as well, maybe to lesser extents. It's clear that she loves her country and wants it to not only be independent but also a better place as well. It may be ambitious to take on multiple issues, but that's how much she cares about her people.

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