Women's Activism NYC

Sophie Alberti

1846 - 1947

By: Kam Singh | Date Added:

Mathilde Elise Sophie Alberti was a pioneering Danish women's rights activist, born in 1844. She played a significant role in advocating for women's rights and was a leading member of the Kvindelig Læseforening (Women Readers' Association) in Denmark. This was a membership-based, private library for women which existed from 1872 until 1945. Before joining the Women’s Readers’ Association, Sophie and her friend Tagea Rovsing, were active in promoting a woman's right to study and followed the parliamentary debates on housewives' rights to an income. Alberti's dedication to the women's movement led to her founding the Kvindelig Læseforening and it also led to an increase in membership to the Kvindelig Læseforening, reaching approximately 4,600 members by 1919. Through the association, she worked to encourage women's education, literacy, and access to knowledge, empowering Danish women to pursue intellectual and cultural interests. Sophie Alberti died in 1947 but her contributions to the Kvindelig Læseforening and the broader women's movement in Denmark have left a lasting impact.

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