Women's Activism NYC

Narges Mohammadi

1972 - Today

By: Kam Singh | Date Added:

Narges Mohammadi, Iranian human rights activist and Nobel laureate was born on April 21, 1972, in the city of Zanjan, Iran. Mohammadi advocates for human rights all over the world and she uses her voice to promote freedom and equality. She attended the Imam Khomeini University in Iran where she became a professional engineer. Throughout her academic years, Narges created articles that spoke direly of women's rights. After becoming an engineer, she wrote for publications that favored the Reformists Political bloc, which focuses on human and women's rights. With her strong interest in human rights, she joined the Defenders of Human rights Center (DHRC) in 2003, where she later became the Vice President. The head of this department was also a fellow Nobel Peace laureate, Shirin Ebadi, Iranian lawyer, judge and writer. Mohammadi has championed various women's rights movements, criticizing civil disobedience against the hijab. When Iran became an authoritarian country, the DHRC was banned, and Mohammadi was arrested due to her participations within the organization. Since her passport was confiscated, she was unable to leave the country and was arrested multiple times through 2016-2020 on charges pertaining to her human rights activism. In 2022, Mohammadi was arrested after fore fronting a protest, this major protest was due to the mistreatment and death of a young Kurdish woman, Mahsa Jina Amini. Over 500 demonstrators of this protest were killed, and at least 20,000 of them were arrested! Furthermore, in 2021, she was arrested on charges on spreading propaganda against her state after she attended the funeral of a fellow activist. Despite being in prison many times, her voice was not restrained, her activism continued as she became a vocal critic of the government, and sexual assaults in jail. Even though she had a year added to her sentence for writing a book titled "White Torture: Interviews with Iranian Women Prisoners", which detailed Iran's brutal prison methods, Mohammadi was hailed as a pillar of courage and morale. In total, Mohammadi was arrested 13 times, for a period of 31 years in prison with 154 lashes given. On October 6, 2023, Mohammadi received the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize as a result of her 20-year long fight for the freedoms of oppressed women in Iran, as well as her courageous promotion of human rights. When her selection for this award was announced, Mohammadi was locked in Tehran's notorious Evin prison. Her tireless dedication, and her fearless stance at the forefront of major protests against the Iranian regime has served as a beaconing light for other women in Iran who are also fighting for their rights!

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