Women's Activism NYC

Dr. Erin Jacques

By: Jamaly Collado | Date Added:

Dr. Erin Jacques is an academic with a passion for entrepreneurship, has always believed in breaking the mold. Despite expectations from her Carribean family, Erin followed her heart, intertwining her love for entrepreneurship with her dedication to education and health. After a successful journey through prestigious institutions like the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University, Erin embraced her unconventional and rebellious nature. Erin explored different ventures that aimed at helping individuals unlock their potential and pursue their passions. One of Erin’s impactful endeavors is her role as the founder of Early Scholars Speech and Debate, where she designs programs that create a supportive environment for children who may be hesitant about public speaking. She believes that public speaking skills are not innate but can be developed with practice and guidance. Erin’s philosophy is that public speaking skills can act as a passport to limitless possibilities, offering students the chance to delve into different cultures, histories, and ideologies while honing their ability to articulate their thoughts effectively. Throughout the years at Early Scholars, something in Erin clicked. Everyone has a niche. Everyone has a specialty, and she has recently devoted her time to create content to help people monetize their passions. She believes that entrepreneurship is not a one size fits all but that. rather a personal journey of self-discover and innovation, where individuals can carve their unique path to success. Erin’s work embodies a transformative approach to education and entrepreneurship, offering a paradigm shift in how we operate as individuals and as a society. By empowering students to develop essential skills in public speaking, Erin is not only shaping leaders of the future but also fostering a culture of empathy, critical thinking, and global awareness.

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