Women's Activism NYC

Sonia Corrêa

1948 - Today

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Sonia Corrêa is a Brazilian activist and researcher whose work primarily focuses on gender equality, sexual and reproductive rights, and global health policies. Between 1992 and 2009, Corrêa worked as the research coordinator for sexual and reproductive health and rights at a transnational feminist network of scholars, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN). She collaborated with the network’s forum for feminist advocacy and research to support reaching their goals. Corrêa also participated in the United Nations negotiations at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, where critical discussions regarding global population issues, reproductive health, and gender equality took place. Her involvement was essential in fabricating policies that emphasized the importance of women’s rights. Additionally, Corrêa contributed to the 1995 World Conference on Women in Beijing, which focused on the advancement and empowerment of women across the globe. Corrêa’s participation in these conferences highlights her commitment to advocating for sexual and reproductive rights. Starting in 2002, Corrêa has worked with Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW), a global policy forum that analyzes global trends in sexuality-related policies and projects. Under Corrêa’s leadership, SPW has conducted extensive research and organized several initiatives to address problems regarding sexual rights, reproductive health, and gender equality. The forum includes scholars, activists, and policymakers collaborating to develop strategies to promote inclusive and rights-based approaches to sexuality. Overall, Corrêa’s efforts helped to promote gender equality globally.

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